Tag: Water Softening
RO included in Czech powerplant water treatment upgrade
Wabag Brno has begun modernisation of the water treatment plant at the Prunéřov power station in the Czech Republic, involving clarification, filtration, reverse osmosis, softening and demineralisation.
WHO book examines calcium and magnesium in water
The desalination industry spends a lot of its time removing calcium and magnesium from water, so a book on the role and possible health benefits of these minerals should be of great interest.
US districts fight saline intrusion with reused water
Two California water districts announced an agreement on 18 April 2009 to transfer and use recycled wastewater as a barrier against saline intrusion into groundwater, replacing 5.5 billion gallons (20.8 million m³) of drinking water per year previously used for this purpose.
RO/deionizer provides high-purity water
A high-quality water purification system incorporating carbon, reverse osmosis (RO) and continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) was introduced on 23 March 2009 by Siemens AG’s Industry Solutions Division, based in Warrendale, USA.
WRF seeks water softening and recycling projects
The WateReuse Foundation announced on 18 February two new requests for proposals (RFPs) for research projects:
RO included in Watertrak L-Series expansion
The Watertrak pre-engineered water-treatment components supplied by Aquatech International Corporation have been expanded to include six new L Series product lines.