Tag: Nitrate
Stockholm event highlights Gaza desalination urgency
A meeting to present the proposed Gaza Desalination Project was held at the Stockholm Water Week at the end of August 2012.
APTwater modules get NSF certification
The membrane-based ARoTech Module developed by APTwater of the USA and aimed at removing specific oxidised contaminants in drinking water has received certification from NSF International.
Desalination help published with WHO drinking water standards
The World Health Organization launched the 4th edition of its Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality (ISBN: 978 92 4 154815 1) at the Singapore Water Week on 4 July 2011 – and also launched a separate guide for desalination.
RO consumes 4% of Malta’s electricity, says new group
Reverse-osmosis desalination plants consume almost 4% of Malta’s electricity supply, according to a statement from the newly-formed Malta Water Association (MWA) on 22 March 2011. The group, made up of hydrologists, engineers and other water experts, warned that urgent action is needed to protect Malta’s water resources, which “are among the scarcest in the world…
EPA funding for Arlington Desalter’s biological denitrification
California’s Western Municipal Water District (WMWD) confirmed on 10 February 2011 that it had secured a US$ 528,000 federal grant in January for design work on a treatment system that uses naturally occurring bacteria to remove toxic contaminants, including perchlorate and nitrate, from drinking water.
Desalination plant’s nitrate removal has hidden benefits
A water district in California has found a novel way to remove multiple contaminants from groundwater currently feeding a desalination plant without creating waste that requires costly treatment and disposal.
WHO updates drinking-water guidelines
More guidance on desalination is included in an updated version of the World Health Organization’s Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality 3rd edition, which can be downloaded from WHO.
Chino Desalter expansion to start in late summer
The Western Municipal Water District in California, USA, accepted US$ 4.5 million of federal government funds on 18 May 2009 towards the Chino II Desalter expansion project, which expected to start in late summer.