MEDVSA: a methodology for design of brine discharges into seawater

Desalination is increasing fast in Spain, especially on the Mediterranean coast. The brine generated in the process is discharged into the sea, producing a negative impact on the endemic and stenohaline marine ecosystems, for instance, the Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa meadows. MEDVSA is an R&D project, subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment & Rural & Marine Affairs. IH Cantabria and CEDEX are collaborating in order to develop a methodology to improve the design of the brine disposed into the seawater, to guarantee the marine environmental protection. This article first appeared in the May/June 2010 edition of Desalination & Water Reuse magazine.

Desalination is increasing fast in Spain, especially on the Mediterranean coast. The brine generated in the process is discharged into the sea, producing a negative impact on the endemic and stenohaline marine ecosystems, for instance, the Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa meadows.

MEDVSA is an R&D project, subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment & Rural & Marine Affairs. IH Cantabria and CEDEX are collaborating in order to develop a methodology to improve the design of the brine disposed into the seawater, to guarantee the marine environmental protection. This article first appeared in the May/June 2010 edition of Desalination & Water Reuse magazine.